Barooga Public School

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Telephone03 5873 4242

Victorian Government five-day circuit breaker lockdown

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We would like to reassure you that our school will continue to be operational into next week although we recognise some of our staff and students will be unable to attend school due to the Victorian Government five-day circuit breaker lockdown.

Students and staff who are unable to attend school due to the lockdown will be supported to learn and work from home.  Principals will work closely with families to provide appropriate learning support for students not able to attend school.

In addition to the Victorian Government decision impacting on Victorian residents NSW has issued a new Order for NSW residents.  Under the state-wide Order, anyone arriving in NSW from Victoria after 11.59pm on Friday 12 February 2021 must remain at their home or place of residence for the five-day period announced by the Victorian Government.

People arriving in NSW from Victoria by air, rail or road (with the exception of people living in the border area) will also be required to complete an online declaration form.

For NSW residents living along the Victorian border, the five-day stay-at-home requirement will only apply to people who have visited Greater Melbourne after 11.59pm on Friday 12 February. It will not apply to NSW border residents who travel into regional Victoria.

The border community is defined by the map which was used for the large border ‘bubble’ arrangements at the end of the NSW-Victorian border closure last year.

The Victorian restrictions become effective at midnight tonight, and under current arrangements will expire at 11.59pm on Wednesday 17 February. The NSW Order will ensure those affected by stay-at-home orders will have to abide by the same restrictions.

While these restrictions remain in place, NSW students and staff are discouraged from travelling to Victoria.  People who do choose to travel will be required to follow the stay-at-home requirement on their return.

People subject to the restrictions in Victoria should not be travelling to NSW unless they are permitted to do so.

For more information, visit the NSW Government’s website.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep our community advised of further developments.